타이치 폴 램박사 Newsletter여행-문화-취미 2012. 1. 5. 19:00
폴 램 박사가 타이치에 氣원리를 접목시켜 어떻게 건강을 증진하는지에 관해서, 또 타이치 운동의 기본동작에 대한 비디오를
유튜브에 올리겠다는 Newsletter내용입니다.
Hello Everyone,
On behalf of the Tai Chi for Health Institute I would like to wish you all a healthy and fulfilling 2012. It is our responsibility to maintain good health as no government can take care of everyone’s health adequately. The Tai Chi for Health programs make taking care of our health an enjoyable experience to do something for pleasure rather than a task. I hope you have had the opportunity to try one or more of our Tai Chi for Health programs and discover the enjoyment and many health benefits they provide.
As the number of training instructors in our Tai Chi for Health program increased over the years I began devoting more time and energy to work on the depth of tai chi. Understanding the depth of tai chi not only improves the level of tai chi, it delivers more health benefits while making it enjoyable at the same time. Thus began a series of “Exploring the Depth of TCA” workshops nearly 10 years ago. Since then I have conducted many of these workshops all over the world working with thousands of participants. It is most satisfying to see participants’ enthusiasm and enjoyment. Here is Maree Lamb’s experience; she attended several of these workshops.
In “Exploring the Depth of TCA” workshops I work closely with participants on deepening the understanding of the inner meaning of tai chi principles. When these principles are applied to tai chi practice it has the near magical effect of health improvement. I incorporate these principles into the participants’ forms. I share the breathing techniques and demonstrate how it is related to the circulation of qi (life energy) and how the energy flows, strengthens and express as a force. We work to fuse the theories through movements and to feel how it works in the body. You will feel the breathing and qi circulation techniques regenerate more qi and internal force.
I am planning to post a series of YouTube videos to explain the above points. Starting with the importance of tai chi principles and how to incorporate these principles in your body. These videos were recorded during some of my recent workshops. Watch out for them in the February or March issue of the newsletter.
We have often been asked how can an instructor be trained in two days. In this newsletter master trainer Fiona Black and I will explain. This also ties in with how “Exploring the Depth of TCA” workshops are programmed. one of the greatest tai chi masters ever was the creator of Sun style tai chi, Master Sun Lu Tang who learned tai chi after he turned 50 and only for 3 months. The legend tells us age and time is no barrier to how high you can go in tai chi. It is not the total length of time but how much you actually learned that matters. We in the Tai Chi for Health Institute have an established and proven system to ensure certified instructors acquire the skill to teach safely and effectively.
The former Greater Western Area Health Service in NSW staged a two day workshop in two locations, Dubbo and Dareton. Click on the locations for a summary of the success of these training workshops. They won our innovative award with a study collaborating with the Australian National University showing how a health service can facilitate this p rogram to thousands of people successfully making a difference to the many lives only at the cost of $76 per person per year – roughly the cost of one medical consultation. By improving one’s health it can potentially save thousands of health dollars.
In this newsletter you can also read and watch the video about Ellen Reitsma’s, a physical therapist and master trainer from Switzerland, perspective both as a health and tai chi professional on the effects of the Tai Chi for Health program. She presented this talk in the June 2011 workshop in Terre Haute, USA.
We were fortunate enough to be at the Opera House right in front of this year's fireworks. I would like to share the experience with you. Enjoy!
Sydney New Years Eve 2011 Fireworks Display
Best wishes for the New Year and hope to see you soon.'여행-문화-취미' 카테고리의 다른 글
Taichi News Letter및 심화과정/강사과정 안내 (0) 2012.02.02 타이치 강사 워크샵및 관절심화과정 안내 (0) 2012.01.25 임진년 새해 해맞이 (0) 2012.01.01 단렌즈 삼식이 테스트 (0) 2011.12.30 타이치 워크샵 개최(2012 6/11~6/17) (0) 2011.12.26