타이치 뉴스레터및 건강타이치 센터 개소학술대회기타일반 2012. 3. 5. 14:55
지난 2월에 한국에서 열린 워크샵에 대해 감사하고 특히 대전 송교수에게 감사함.
금년 4월에 열리는 시드니에서의 워크샵에도 참가해 줬으면 한다는 내용Hello Everyone,
I hope your New Years resolution is looking good and on target. Remember to put tai chi practice as your priority. Health and harmony is the most important thing in life, with that everything else will get better. Tai chi is one of the best exercises to help improve your health both mentally and physically.
As promised I am bringing you a video on parts of my Exploring the Depth of Tai Chi for Arthritis workshop. In this workshop, I use the Tai Chi for Arthritis forms as a vehicle to explain what is the core purpose of tai chi, how to improve your tai chi substantially, how to understand and enhance your “qi” using the tai chi principles. A deep understanding of the principles is the key to the secret of tai chi. I will commence the video clip with a summary of the essential tai chi principles and in the subsequent months, the clips will show how you can incorporate the essential principles into the ta i chi forms. Later on, I will talk about “What is qi?” and how to enhance “qi”; how to deliver energy using stronger “qi”; how to enhance your tai chi rhythm and “qi” cultivation. These video clips will make your tai chi more enjoyable and therefore more beneficial to your health.
In the January Sydney one-week workshop, Rani Hughes, occupational therapist and Master Trainer of the Tai Chi for Health Programs, shared her experience of conducting a Tai Chi for Arthritis instructors training course in Sri Lanka. Being a third world country she personally volunteered her time and partly donated the instructional materials. The workshop participants were so impressed with her dedication they donated over $700 towards her cause. Please click here to view Rani's talk.
A special thank you for those who successfully bid in the auction of the canvases of my tai chi photos. They were Phillip Turner, Simon and Jennifer Yuen, Valerie Forsyth, Patricia Turner and Mike Soric. We raised $965 for the Suzanne MacLauchlan Memorial Scholarship Fund, enabling those living in remote parts of Australia to attend a tai chi workshop.
In February I did six wonderful workshops in South Korea, a country known for its industrious population. Thank you Professors Song and Cheon and your colleagues for facilitating these workshops! I would like to extend a special congratulations to Professor Rhayun Song who will be the director of the Tai Chi for Health Education and Research Centre In Daejeon. I have been working with Professor Song and her colleagues for nearly ten years. Professor Song has had significant achievements in tai chi for health education and research; she has published many brilliant research papers in prestigious journals. Professor Song is a visionary educator and researcher, it is a visionary step!
This brings me to the workshops below. I hope you can come to my Tai Chi for Arthritis, Diabetes, Osteoporosis and update workshops in Sydney on the 28th and 29th April, 2012. I am fortunate to have the assistance of several master trainers. Although these workshops will be conducted concurrently, we will still be providing personalised individual teaching. The Exploring the Depth of Tai Chi for Arthritis workshops will be held in Sweden in May and Sydney in July.Tai Chi Wheels Turn Slowly … be Ready When it Happens
Mike Soric, Senior Trainer, Townsville, QLD, AustraliaMike Soric identifies that the tai chi for health program will benefit a particular interest group. He believes the program will work and continues to look for opportunities to deliver the program to them.
Next stop, Sri Lanka……
Rani Hughes, Master Trainer, Warburton, VIC, AustraliaRani Hughes impresses us with her desire and effort to introduce tai chi for health training classes to health care professionals in Sri Lanka’s second largest hospital.
Using a Practice Drill as Preparation for Teaching a Movement
Caroline Demoise, Master Trainer, Chapel Hill, NC, USACaroline Demoise describes a practice drill that she uses to prepare students for the leisurely tying coat movement in Sun 73.
A New Concept in Training for Senior Trainers and Prospective Senior Trainers
Rev Dr Bruce M Young, Senior Trainer, Bangor, ME, USABruce Young shares a unique experimental program that explores methods for preparing and training Senior Trainers to meet the expectations and responsibilities of that position.
Promoting Tai Chi for Health in the Community
Ernie Hall, Senior Trainer, St Joseph, MO, USAErnie Hall explores the many ways to introduce tai chi to the community and attract a wide variety of students. A Committed Tai Chi Class Continues in the Absence of an Instructor
Sonia Tidemann, Accredited TCH Instructor, Port Lincoln, SA, AustraliaSonia Tidemann demonstrates how retirees and the elderly commit to tai chi and its benefits by creating a self-perpetuating group of practitioners who continue even in the absence of an instructor.
Feature Profile - Maree Chadwick Maree Chadwick, Occupational Therapist, joined Dr Paul Lam's instructor team in 1998. This Month's Special:- Puchase any DVD from our full range and receive 20% discount
Please quote Coupon Number 20FR0312
Click here for more information or to place your order.
Upcoming Workshops: by Dr Paul LamApril 28 - 29, Sydney, NSW, AustraliaTai Chi for Osteoporosis Instructor TrainingApril 28 - 29, Sydney, NSW, AustraliaTai Chi for Arthritis Instructor TrainingApril 28 - 29, Sydney, NSW, AustraliaTai Chi for Diabetes Instructor TrainingApril 28 - 28, Sydney, NSW, AustraliaTai Chi for Arthritis Multiple UpdatesMay 22 - 23, Petra Kauniainen, FinlandTai Chi for Osteoporosis Instructor TrainingMay 26 - 27, Stockholm, SwedenExploring the Depth of Tai Chi for ArthritisJune 02 - 03, Solothurn, SwitzerlandTai Chi for Energy Instructor TrainingJune 09 - June 10, Memphis, TN, United StatesTai Chi for Energy Instructor TrainingJune 11 - June 17, Memphis, TN, United StatesOne Week Tai Chi WorkshopJuly 08 - 08, Sydney, Australia
Exploring the Depth of Tai Chi for ArthritisJuly 21 - 22, Sydney, Australia
Tai Chi for Energy Instructor TrainingAug 02-03, Palmerston North, New ZealandExploring the Depth of Tai Chi for ArthritisAug 04-05, Palmerston North, New Zealand
Tai Chi for Energy Instructor Training
Aug 25-26, Townsville, QLD, AustraliaExploring the Depth of Tai Chi for Arthritis
Yours in Tai Chi,Paul Lam, MDhttp://taichiforhealthinstitute.org/●건강타이치센터 개소기념 학술대회 개최
저희 충남대학교 간호대학에서는 2012년 3월 건강타이치교육연구센터를 개소합니다.
이번 3월 17일 토요일 호주 타이치마스터이자 전문의인 Dr. Janet Cromb 박사를 모시고
만성질환자 관리를 위한 건강타이치 프로그램의 적용에 대해 학술대회를 개최합니다.
첨부파일을( 참고해주시기 바랍니다.
국내외 타이치관련 학자들의 연계를 도모하는 기회로 삼고자하오니
꼭 참석하셔서 좋은 의견 나누는 자리 마련해주시기 바랍니다.
3월 17일에 뵙겠습니다.
식사 및 학회준비관계로 3월 13일까지 참석여부를 확인해주시기 바랍니다.
신청은 이메일 taichi_nursing@cnu.ac.kr로 이름, 소속, 연락처를 보내주시기 바랍니다.
송라윤센터장 드림
충남대학교 간호대학
건강타이치센터개소기념학회-0317.pdf0.05MB'기타일반' 카테고리의 다른 글
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