
  • 타이치 뉴스
    기타일반 2012. 5. 4. 16:03


    Lorin Prentice Memorial Award상을 수상하게 된 것을 감사한다는 내용과


    곧 글로벌 워크샵이 헬싱키로부터 시작해서 스톡홀름, 쥬리히로 잇달아 열릴 것

    그리고  미국멤피스에서 일주일간의 워크샵으로 마무리 할 것이라는 내용.


    이번달의 주제는 효과적인 교욱법이고  금년 1월 시드니에서 있었던 Marty Kidder의 강연내용는

    유튜브에서 볼 수 있다는 내용을 담고 있슴.





    Hello Everyone,

    I would like to thank Arthritis Victoria for recognizing our work by presenting me with the Lorin Prentice Memorial Award for making an outstanding contribution to raising public awareness for musculoskeletal disease. I accept this recognition on behalf of all who are involved in the Tai Chi for Health vision, especially the instructors, senior trainers and master trainers from Victoria. The Tai Chi for Health program tends to attract the nicest people who are always happy to help. It is like giving a fish to a hungry person, we feel good that we have fed them but inevitably they will be hungry again so teaching them to fish is more fulfilling. Teaching Tai Chi for Health we are empowering people to better manage their condition. The great thing is that by empowering people to improve their health and wellnes s we also gain better health and enjoyment ourselves. That is why we are so enthusiastic about Tai Chi for Health.
    Over the last 15 years Arthritis Victoria has collaborated with me and my master trainers to train over 1,000 instructors. Assuming each instructor has taught over 30 people a year you are looking at 30,000 to 40,000 people whose quality of life has improved in the State of Victoria alone! I am so proud to be part of this vision. I have posted a few photos of the award presentation on Facebook.
    Last month I talked about how much I enjoy conducting my workshops. I will be starting my global workshops soon beginning in Helsinki, followed by Stockholm and Zurich. I will finish my tour in the USA with the preconference and annual one-week workshop in Memphis. I hope you can join us in one of these workshops, especially the European ones. Most are my first time workshops in these countries. I may not have much chance to meet you at these locations again.
    Our theme this month is about effective teaching. This is one of the key features of the Tai Chi for Health programs. I will share with you an extract from my book Teaching Tai Chi Effectively. This part deals with the type of learners you will have in your class. An effective teacher uses a combination of teaching methods for different types of learners and this is part of our curriculum in our instructors’ training workshops. You can find out more about the subject references in my Teaching Tai Chi Effectively book. Marty Kidder’s talk at the January tai chi workshop in Sydney was a powerful illustration of how to teach effectively. You can read and see his presentation in this YouTube video.
    Finally, our long established Forum will be moving to my Facebook site shortly. Please start channelling your questions and comments on Facebook rather than the Forum.



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